泰國布吉 Baan Than Nam Jai 兒童中心圖書館開幕了!

发布时间:2023-11-06     浏览次数:347 次

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泰國布吉 Baan Than Nam Jai 


The grand opening of the library at Baan Than Nam Jai Orphanage!

在 Ourvillas.co 的主席梁錦濠先生 (Gilbert) 的支持下,Ourvillas.co - Laguna Phuket 和 香港天行者慈善基金 籌集了 225,000 泰銖,用於翻新位於泰國布吉 Baan Than Nam Jai 兒童中心的圖書館。圖書館現在配備了電腦、電視、電燈和增添書籍,善款也為孩子們提供了全新的焗爐和洗衣機。

A heartfelt thank you to Mr. Gilbert, who is the chairman of Ourvillas.co, for his initiative and fundraising efforts! With your support, we raised a remarkable 225,000 Baht to refurbish the library at Baan Than Nam Jai Orphanage. The library now is equipped with computers, TVs, lights, and books, the fund also provided the children with a brand new oven and washing machine.

我們很高興有來自加拿大、英國和香港的客人參與了是次開幕儀式,學生們也表演了精彩的泰國傳統舞蹈。與來自 Baan Than Nam Jai 的 92 名優秀孩子一起度過這個特別的日子真是令人十分開心,嘉賓和學生們一起享受了烘焙和製作紮染的樂趣,留下了充滿歡樂與歡笑的回憶。

We were thrilled to have guests join us from Canada, the UK, and Hong Kong to celebrate the grand opening. The students welcomed us with wonderful traditional Thai dances. Sharing this special day with the 92 wonderful kids from Baan Than Nam Jai was truly heartwarming. Together, we enjoyed a feast of delicious food and, both guests and students had fun baking and making tie dye, created memories filled with joy and laughter.

當天的一大亮點是主持人:學生代表 Khun Game,他在海嘯中失去了父母,並在這所兒童中心長大。令人鼓舞的是,他完成工商管理碩士後,便繼續在澳洲攻讀博士學位,這都證明了 Baan Than Nam Jai 如何幫助這些孩子的成長和實現他們的抱負。

A highlight of the day was our host, student representative Khun Game. Having lost his parents in the tsunami and grown up in this very orphanage, his journey to completing his MBA and soon pursuing a Doctorate in Australia is truly inspiring. It's a testament to how Baan Than Nam Jai fosters growth and ambition in these children.

梁錦濠先生亦上台,向所有捐助者和參與者表示感謝。大家的慷慨解囊在改善這些孩子的生活發揮著關鍵作用,他與嘉賓之一的Randell牧師一起,用有意義的故事激勵和鼓舞了孩子們。特別感謝梁先生為是次活動帶頭,正是因為您的遠見卓識,我們才能齊心協力做出改變。最後,感謝 Ourvillas.co 的團隊為翻新和組織這次難忘的活動所作出的不懈努力。

Our Chairman, Mr. Gilbert, took to the stage to extend gratitude to all donors and participants. Together with our guest, Pastor Randell, they inspired and uplifted the children with meaningful stories. A huge shoutout to our kind donors — your generosity plays a pivotal role in enhancing these kids' lives. Special thanks to Mr. Leung for spearheading this initiative. It's because of your vision that we could come together to make a difference. Lastly, kudos to our dedicated team for their tireless efforts in renovating and organising this unforgettable event.


As we close this chapter of our journey with Baan Than Nam Jai, we’re reminded of the power of community and the difference a collective effort can make. Every child deserves a chance to thrive, let’s continue to be the change we wish to see in the world and pave brighter paths for our future leaders! 



Giving love

Sharing hope

Having fun




